Ctrl-Alt-Speech is a weekly news podcast co-created by Techdirt’s Mike Masnick and Everything in Moderation’s Ben Whitelaw. Each episode looks at the latest news in online speech, covering issues regarding trust & safety, content moderation, regulation, court rulings, new services & technology, and more.
The podcast regularly features expert guests with experience in the trust & safety/online speech worlds, discussing the ins and outs of the news that week and what it may mean for the industry. Each episode takes a deep dive into one or two key stories, and includes a quicker roundup of other important news. It's a must-listen for trust & safety professionals, and anyone interested in issues surrounding online speech.
If your company or organization is interested in sponsoring Ctrl-Alt-Speech and joining us for a sponsored interview, visit ctrlaltspeech.com for more information.
Ctrl-Alt-Speech is produced with financial support from the Future of Online Trust & Safety Fund, a fiscally-sponsored multi-donor fund at Global Impact that supports charitable activities to build a more robust, capable, and inclusive Trust and Safety ecosystem and field.
Backdoors and Backsteps

Digital Oligarchs Gunning for Europe (DOGE)

This Episode has Masculine Energy

The TickTock on TikTok

Bullshit in a China Shop

Zuck and Cover

How The Online Regulators Stole Christmas

Sometimes You Have to Whack Some Moles

Comply & Demand

Nothing to FCC Here

Locate Your Nearest X-it

Presidents & Precedents

Sorry, This Episode Will Not Cheer You Up

Minisode: The Robots Take Over Ctrl-Alt-Speech

Regulate, Rinse, Repeat

An Appeal a Day Keeps the Censor Away

Moderation has a Well-Known Reality Bias

Is This The Real Life? Is This Just Fakery?

Smells Like Teen Safety

Blunder from Down Under

Judge, Jury and Moderator

The Platform to Prison Pipeline

ChatGPT Told Us Not to Say This, but YOLO